Cornelia Faißt
Exhibition and research
maasai Women master builders
from ololosokwan
The exhibition of Cornelia Faißt at the Frauenmuseum Hittisau presents ten exemplary biographies of Maasai women builder from Tanzanian Ololosokwan and the buildings created by them.
active energy building
Vaduz, Liechtenstein
Between 2011-2019
Cornelia Faißt was working as an Office Manager for falkeis.architects in the Vaduz, Liechtenstein branch on the active.engergy.building.
society in motion
Bergen, Norway
Soicety in Motion is a three years summer workshop series together with students and researchers from Bergen Architecture School, University of Applied Arts Vienna and the University of Liechtenstein. The workshops are supported by an Erasmus+ grant.
The Maasai Women Master Builders exhibition is mentioned in Der Spiegel issue 35.
Bench design for the Lingenau erzählt project of my home village Lingenau

Interview with Art Aurea on my Maasai Women Master Builders exhibition at the Frauenmuseum Hittisau.