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Cornelia Faisst, Bmst. Mag. arch. (* 1979), studied at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna, with Prof. Greg Lynn and Prof. Hans Hollein. Furthermore, she studied at the former Fachhochschule Liechtenstein and at the KTH Stockholm, Sweden.


In February 2016 she was appointed as senior lecturer at the University of Liechtenstein. Currently she teaches together with Urs Hüssy the Basic Studio Upcycling at the Liechtenstein School of Architecture, University of Liechtenstein. Additonally, she is responsible with Daniel Haselsberger for the Module Pro Bono, and was project leader of the Erasmus+ Project 'SEIAA – Social and Enviromental Impact Academy for Architects' and the Erasmus+ Project 'SIM – Society in Motion'.


Between 2014 and 2015 Cornelia coordinated two design workshops for the 'Maasai Community Art Space' in Tanzania, in collaboration with UNESCO Dar es Salaam, African Architecture Matters and the Ardhi University in Dar es Salaam. She received for this project the 'Liechtenstein Research Award – Categorie Project' in 2018.


For her research project 'The Female Maasai Master Builder' she received the 'Margarete Schütte-Lihotzky Project Grant' from the Federal Chancellery Austria, and curated the exhibition 'Massai Women Master Builders from Ololosokwan' at the Frauenmuseum Hittisau in 2016/17. The exhibition was awarded with the 'ORF MAECENAS Audience 2018' award.


Between 2011 and 2019 Cornelia was office manager of the architectural firm falkeis.architects in Vaduz, Liechtenstein and worked on the 'active energy building' project. Previously, she worked for Span Architects, Vienna on the Austrian Pavilion for the EXPO 2010 in Shanghai and at the City Centre Project, Las Vegas, for Graft LLC in Los Angeles.

© 2023      Bmst. Mag. arch. Cornelia Faißt      St. Anna 498/3      6951 Lingenau      Austria      c.faisst(at)

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